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Embroidered napoleonic ornaments
Some companies from Pakistan ( and especially one: F.E.C.), have stolen pictures of our productions, on our website, and pretends to be our suppliers, they lie!
These crooks harass our customers indicating that they did all uniforms from our website, even some that our customers could see on process in our atelier, with absolutely no embroideries.
These persons are very efficient using internet, but quality of their work is not at the same level, and you are not sure to get the fruit of your money.
If they were living in France our lawyer would take care of them, but Pakistan is far away and his justice "a bit different" from here.
Please don't give any help to these crooks by transmitting their address and publishing them on your wall.
We cannot accept people who have them as "friends" on Facebook for instance, because they harass then our own friends with hundreds of spams.
Remember: we work only with one supplier, and this supplier works only for us!
WE CAN REPRODUCE ANY TYPE, see actual production!
Lip grenades hand-embroidered in purl on a woollen background. Cut to shape flames. Price per 4
You can choose different types of lip grenades hand-embroidered in purl on a woollen background.
Embroidery height : 7 cm
Width of the flames : 4 cm
Lip grenades hand-embroidered in purl on a woollen background. Price per 4
You can choose different types of lip grenades hand-embroidered in purl on a woollen background.
Embroidery height : 7 cm
Width of the flames : 4 cm
Different embroideries for turnbacks, price per unit.
En faisant une vérification de nos stock, nous nous sommes aperçus que nous avions des nombres impairs de broderies de retroussis qui sont normalement vendues à la paire.
Nous vous en faisons profiter s'il vous manque juste 1 broderie.
Lip grenades for generals - By pair
Lip grenades hand-embroidered in purl on a woollen background, in dark marine or scarlet red .
82 X 60 mm.
Staff officers ornaments for turnbacks, thunders, price for 4
Winged thunders in gold thread on melton 7 cm.
Staff officers ornaments for "bonnet de police", thunders, price per one
Winged thunders in gold thread on melton 40 mm
Red and gold grenades for turnbacks, indicated price for one piece
Copied on genuine grenades from our personnal collection(see pictures of original).
Can be made on dark blue melton, but also on white
Grenades for turnbacks in silver or gold without small discs
For warrant less shiny!
Lip grenades, 7 flames, hand-embroidered in purl on a woollen background - The piece
7 flames type is the most common type for Napoleonic period, this is the type that we usually have on stock in different options.
Lip grenades 13 flames, hand-embroidered in purl on a woollen background. Price per piece
Choose your colours, we may have some models in stock, if not, there will be a 2-month delay more or less.
Beautiful design, superior embroidery quality !
If the colours you need does not appear in the choice, precise your colours at the end of your order in "commentaires eventuels", or send a separate email.
13 flames is less usual than 7 flames, and we have almost none in stock. If you cannot wait better choose 7 flames type
Police headgear for officers, hand-embroidered grenades
Police Headgear Ornaments Height : 60 mm. flames: 35 mm large
Police headgear for NCO, hand-embroidered grenades
Police Headgear ornaments without sequins for NCO.
Height : 50 mm. flames: 30 mm large
Police headgear grenades ornaments for troopers, hand-embroidered
Police Headgear Ornaments for troopers.
Grenades in silk embroidery on Melton fabric.
A large choice of colours is possible. Height : 5 cm
Machine made grenades for turnbacks ornaments
We can realise many types of grenades with a machine, the price is of course quite lower. The indicated price is for one pair. 8 8 cm high
Golden or silver horn WITH SEQUINS on melton for turnbacks, price by 2 pairs
Turnback ornaments for "colonel de chasseur à cheval de la garde"in red on gold , the most favourite uniform of the Emperor. Price by 2 pairs, facing each other. Other colours available
Golden or silver horn on melton for turnbacks , WITHOUT SEQUINS
Turnback ornaments for officers of light infantry or warrant officers of some light cavalry regiments. Price by pair, facing each other. Other colours available
Horns for turnback ornaments hand embroidered, "by pair"
Choose your colour.
Price by pair, each horn facing the other one
Horns for turnback ornaments, yellow on white, machine made, price by pair!
PRICE BY PAIR, each horn facing the other one 7 X 5 cm, cloth included, horn is 6 x 4 cm
Horns - Police headgear ornaments hand-embroidered - The unit
Police Headgear Ornaments: Height : 3 cm, width 5 cm
The bell can be on turned to the left or to the right.
Police headgear ornaments horn
Hand embroidered police headgear Ornaments for Officers. A large choice of colours is possible.
Width : 6 cm
Machine embroidered horns, police headgear ornaments
Heigth: 2,6 cm
Large 4 cm
Eagles for fatigue cap garde nationale style 65 mm - The unit
Gold or silver thread on a dark blue cloth or other colors
6,5 cm.
Eagles for turnbacks, garde nationale style - Price for 4 . NICE FOR DECORATION
8 cm.
Each eagle looks the other.
Eagles for back of jacket, "commissaire des guerres"
6,5 or 8 cm, silver or gold, on dark blue or any other colour ( indicate it in final comments at the end of your order).
Eagles for turnback ornaments: douanes imperiales, price by pair
Fine silver embroideries on a dark green melton, looking like black on picture, but it is green! Global height: 7 cm, price by pair.
Repeat Pattern Oak Leaf (with acorn), gold or silver, limited stock, price by pair
We found an old stock in perfect condition of this pattern.
Dimension: 10 X 4 cm.
2 types in each colour, sold by pair.
One pair= 2 different embroideries, but in same colour!
Embroidered buttons, choose colour, size...
For great uniforms of minister, marshalls....etc
Ask us for requested type, we have genuine 200 years old buttons and can give you more informations concerning requested types
15 mm for waistcoats.
28 mm for velvet jackets of "grande tenue d'apparat" for marshalls
Various embroideries
We can do any type, not only for Empire period....we just need good documents....and time.
We now ask you to order a minimum of 10 pieces for any new type of embroideries.
We cannot spend hours ordering 2 collar tabs or one fatigue cap ornament, our days are only 24 hours long.For price quote, contact us
No information on delivery time
Sapeur, embroideries for sleaves
Size 12 X 8 cm
Sapeur, embroideries for turnbacks
Size 6 x 6 cm
Sapeur, embroideries for turnbacks - copie
Size 6 x 6 cm
Anchor with cords - The pair
Anchors facing each other, sold by pair, on dark marine or red.
Maximum dimensions 80 x 60 mm.
Anchor without cords - The unit
Anchors sold by one, on dark marine or red.
Maximum dimensions 70 x 55 mm.
Miltary embroideries: adjudant commandant
We made copies from original embroideries of adjudant commandant.
You can compare genuine embroideries with our production.
You can order embroideries for collar (the longest with quite bigger buttonholes) only, but also for cuffs and turnbacks:
Lillies, turnback ornaments, price by one
Different colours are possible, for melton and thread.
Picture is a picture of our old samples...Of course we deliver new productions!
Ingenieur geographe, turnback ornaments, price by one.
Gold on dark marine melton
Grenade for bearskin hat, "cul de singe"
Gold thread for officers, white thread for troop, embroidered on a red melton.
When not on stock, delivery time is maximum 6 weeks
N for tunbacks - The unit
6,5 cm.
Silver or gold on dark blue cloth
Scarf of"page porte lunette de l'empereur"
Sacred heart of jesus
Favourite symbol of "chouans", it shows the tradition of peasants from Cholet region to traditionnal believings "God and the King". 85 mm high x 70mm large. Made in our atelier