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Oriental weapons and/or crafted with ancestral processes.

Vous êtes nombreux à être à la fois collectionneurs et reconstitueurs.
Nos recherches nous ont amenés à rencontrer des artisans qui travaillent comme il y a plusieurs siècles, et réalisent des armes, pour certaines exceptionnelles, avec des lames en Damas, en wooz , des poignées en os, en pierre, en métal incrusté d'or ou d'argent...Etc.
Avant que les personnes encore capables de réaliser de tels objets, pour des prix encore abordables, aient toutes disparues, nous vous offrons l'opportunité d'acquérir ces remarquables productions artisanales que nous avons sélectionnées pour vous.

Voyez ce que wikipedia indique à propos du wootz et de lacier dit damas.
"L'appellation « acier de Damas » couvre deux techniques différentes :
La première est la fabrication de lames en forgeant du wootz.
La deuxième, qui utilise de l'« acier Damas de corroyage », emprunte le nom du métal historique par abus de langage à cause de sa ressemblance superficielle avec l'acier Damas wootz mais elle est totalement différente : le forgeron fabrique un mille-feuille en alternant des morceaux d'acier de compositions différentes, généralement un à haute teneur en nickel (couleur claire) et un peu allié à haute teneur en carbone (couleur sombre).
Il soude ensuite ces morceaux d'acier entre eux. le motif observé sera alors linéaire.
Il est ensuite possible de modifier le dessin, par exemple en torsadant le barreau d'acier feuilleté.
Cette deuxième technique peut être appliquée à d'autres métaux (comme le Mokume-gane pour les métaux non-ferreux ou le timascus pour le titane).
En France, le savoir-faire lié à l'acier de Damas est inscrit à l'inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatériel. Il s'agit, bien sûr, exclusivement de Damas de corroyage.

  • Dagger with pale green stone handle showing animal heads and wootz blade. Handicraft production.

    Beautiful artisanal production carried out by our blacksmith using ancestral processes.

    Handle carved from a pale green stone, blade in wootz, wooden scabbard covered in velvet, the seam is highlighted with a thread of golden trimmings.
    As each piece is produced by hand, the blades will never be perfectly identical in terms of the patterns visible on the metal.
    Likewise, the carved stone handles will always be likely to present nuances compared to the photos on our website.
    By purchasing this exceptional item, you know that it may be slightly different from the photos posted online.
    The dimensions, the nature of the materials used and the manufacturing technique will however be those indicated on the site.
    Beautiful flamboyant wootz blade with a central edge, for the horse's head dagger.
    The antelope head dagger (it has horns, not the horse!) has a blade with 2 grooves, with a marked curvature.
    Total length 40/41 cm, including blade 27/28 cm.
    The sheath is covered in velvet


    250,00 €


  • Dagger with camel bone handle and damascus blade, simple curve, scabbard covered with green velvet. Handicraft production. opie

    This type of dagger is a traditional production of Rajasthan, such daggers continue to be worn during ceremonies, commemorations, weddings...Etc.
    We have selected a blacksmith on site who continues to work according to ancestral processes.
    These beautiful creations charmed us, and we wanted to share with you our interest in these creations with their very oriental charm.
    Each piece is unique by the varied patterns of its damascus blade, made in the forge, and by the assembly of its bone handle, never identical from one dagger to another.

    Total length 43 cm including blade 28 cm.
    Camel bone handle, carved pommel, double-grooved damascus blade, wooden scabbard covered in velvet, the seam is highlighted with a thread of golden trimmings.


    170,00 €


  • Dagger with sculpted turbaned head handle in camel bone. Damascus blade, scabbard covered with velvet. Handicraft production.

    This type of dagger is a traditional production of Rajasthan, such daggers continue to be worn during ceremonies, commemorations, weddings...Etc.
    We have selected a blacksmith on site who continues to work according to ancestral processes.
    These beautiful creations charmed us, and we wanted to share with you our interest in these creations with their very oriental charm.
    Each piece is unique by the varied patterns of its damascus blade, made in the forge, and by the assembly of its bone handle, never identical from one dagger to another.

    Total length 43 cm including blade 28 cm.
    Camel bone handle, carved pommel, double-grooved damascus blade, wooden scabbard covered in velvet, the seam is highlighted with a thread of golden trimmings.


    170,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Viking knife with damascus or wootz blade, wood handle and leather scabbard.

    Very beautiful blade in damascus or wootz, the tang of which is inserted into a light wood handle veined with dark streaks.
    Of course each handle is different, the wood used having a variable appearance each time.
    As each piece is produced by hand, the blades will also never be perfectly identical in terms of the patterns visible on the metal.
    The brown color of the case can also have varied shades.
    By purchasing this exceptional item, you know that it may be slightly different from the photos posted online.
    This is part of the charm of such knives.
    The dimensions, the nature of the materials used and the manufacturing technique will however be those indicated on the site.
    215 mm including 100 mm blade.


    From 49,00 €


  • Scandinavian knife with damascus or wootz blade, wood handle and leather scabbard.

    Very beautiful blade in damascus or wootz, the tang of which is inserted into a light wood handle veined with dark streaks.
    Of course each handle is different, the wood used having a variable appearance each time.
    As each piece is produced by hand, the blades will never be perfectly identical in terms of the patterns visible on the metal.
    The brown color of the case can also have varied shades.
    By purchasing this exceptional item, you know that it may be slightly different from the photos posted online. This is part of the charm of such knives.
    The dimensions, the nature of the materials used and the manufacturing technique will however be those indicated on the site.
    215 mm including 100 mm blade.


    From 49,00 €


  • From 38,00 €

