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Costumes and accessories from the First French Empire

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Before and after 1st French Empire - Foreigners - Uniforms

We can do many other uniforms...ask if interested.

  • Uniforme de colonel d'artillerie, belle époque

    This is a uniform that we were largely able to make with period original materials.
    The square braid, the soutache, the Milanese cord, the epaulettes, everything is original, made before the Second World War.
    The buttons are new from stock, gilded with mercury.

    Thanks to the stock in very good condition, which we recovered from a former army supplier, we are often able to recreate uniforms with period materials, which no other costume designer can currently do. .
    Take advantage while stock lasts.


    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Uniform used by Charles X (King of France 1824-1830). Colonel Général de la maison du roi

    Gorgeous and quite unusual uniform .
    Quite identical with last painting and other historical documents, only some buttons are taken from a swedish uniform.
    3 crowns look like 3 lillies if you are not too close and this jacket will not be used in re enactment;

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Dolman for chasseur à cheval second Empire

    The light cavalry outfits of the 1st Empire are very famous...but those of the Second Empire do not lack style!
    A small example of what we can do.
    The trimmings come from an old stock, perhaps made during Second Empire.

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Tsar Peter III of Russia, circa 1750

    We copied a uniform from a russian museum (see last picture).
    Price does not include sword

    5 900,00 €

    No information on delivery time


  • Uniform of La Pérouse, end of Louis XVI period.

    Last words of Louis XVI , before his head was cut, were: "Have we got any news of La pérouse?"...in french of course...
    It seems to be worth to make a copy of this uniform!

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Tenue du Prince De Talmont

    Made for the wedding of a customer from Vendée.
    Note sacred heart of Jesus on breast, white cockade on hat and lilly on buckle, all signs of "chouans"
    Picture in nature by Angeline Mattiocco

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Jacket, revolution period

    Sober style ofor this period

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Pirate jacket with embroidered collar and cuffs. Price without shirt and hat.

    We made some uniforms for a movie in China, almost 10 years ago.
    Some embroideries were remaining, we decided to use them and we made this pirate jacket with mixed oak leaves and anchors.
    For chest size 104 cm max.
    Caution, sleeves are short this is normal, it allows to see nice extremeties of shirt arms.


    870,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Uniform of ambassador

    Some french ambassadors still wear grand uniform in european courts, this is the case for our customer.
    We made a copy of what was used decades ago.

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Uniform for 1st or snd class of ambassade secretary or 1st or snd class consul.

    Such a pity to have stopped using so nice uniforms in most of countries...

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Uniform of ambassador (attaché).

    This uniform is normally not used any more, but it is not forbidden to wear it, this is what our customer did

    For price quote, contact us

    12 to 16' delivery time

  • Demi solde redingote with small cloak on shoulders

    Type of coat used by soldiers of the Grande Armée after the fall of the Empire.
    Shape and cut are different of the Empire fashion...it is a bit later.
    Price depends of price of cloth used to make it, contact us.
    You can choose different colours of melton.

    870,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Demi solde redingote grey

    Type of coat used by soldiers of the Grande Armée after the fall of the Empire.
    One button is a special one with an eagle used by former soldiers of the Grande Armée to recognize themselves.

    780,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Russian senior officer, circa 1760

    More than one week to make this uniform.
    Braid has to be finished, sides had to be cut to shape and only this took more than one day.
    So a straight braid will reduce price of almost 500 €.
    Jacket without decoration: 2310 €
    Décoration (sewed): 120 €
    Hat with braid, plume and cockade: 510 €
    Waistcoat: 840 €
    Thank to our customer to give us this work to do, result is a real pleasure for eyes.

    3 780,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Habit de cuirassier de la garde royale

    Copied from a very beautiful uniform sold by Mr Malvaux.
    Our client had the breastplate, and not the uniform to present it.

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Monk dress, with hood and belt, black or brown. 55 € DISCOUNT!!!

    ORIGINAL PRICE: 79,90 €.
    100 % cotton, washable.


    24,90 €


  • Uniform of vice admiral second Empire/beginning of 3 rd republic.

    For re enactment or collection.
    Sash is an old one, restored.

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Jacket for civilian, revolution period

    Sober style for this very special period

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Judge uniform, end 19 th century

    Price for jacket and trousers only

    2 780,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Court service adjustment of a captain of the chief of archers of Guard of Francis 1st, Emperor of Austria

    Austrio hungarian uniforms could also be gorgeous.
    This is a sample of what could be worn by dignitaries, quite impressive!
    The Arcièren Life Guards were founded in 1763 by Empress Maria Theresa as a mounted life guard.
    She was considered the foremost of the imperial bodyguards. Its members were senior, deserving officers, and its captain was always a general.
    During court service he wore this tunic made of red cloth, which is richly embroidered with gold on the entire front, on the lapels, the lower sleeves and the center back.
    This included epaulettes made of gold bouillon, a sash with long golden tassels, a silver helmet with a white buffalo hair tuft, a sabre, white boot trousers and knee-high black patent leather boots. (MKR)
    Price with epaulettes.
    Copied form a uniform kept in Habsburg museum in Vienna

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Veste des 100 gardes. Second Empire

    Elite corp....Details later.

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Uniforme de conductrice, grande guerre

    Voilà un uniforme sur lequel on dispose de bien peu de documentation.
    Le descriptif est sommaire et laisse part à une large interprétation.
    Ayant des portraits d'un de mes 2 grand-pères avec une tenue de simple soldat coupée sur mesure, je peux affirmer qu'entre le règlement et son application régnait une certaine latitude.
    Les images de conductrices existantes présentent des femmes portant des manteaux en fourrure (les habitacles n'étaient pas chauffés), ou des ensembles jupe manteau qui cachent la veste.
    Bref nous avons copié une tenue de femme assimilée militaire de la guerre de 14-18, qui aurait pu être portée par une conductrice, mais qui n'était pas précisément définie comme étant destinée à ce corps (très peu nombreux) en particulier.
    L'insigne (pattes de col et béret) est par contre du modèle réglementaire.
    Prix comprenant jupe + veste+ béret.

    For price quote, contact us

    12 to 16' delivery time

  • Demi solde, version 3

    We made different types of demi solde coats, they were not all dressed the same....
    Colour can be also dark green if requested.
    Indicated price does not include hat.

    780,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Uniform of tsar Nicolas II, not for re enactment

    We had very good documents to make a copy of a tsar uniform, but no time, not a large budget, and it was not for re enactment.
    So, for non specialists it fits, bit we don't consider it as a re enactment uniform.

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Fusilier infanterie de ligne- revolution

    Plain buttons with no indication of regiment.

    Notre soldat porte la tenue de la révolution française. Les retroussis sont agrafés, les revers sont très échancrés, dégageant largement la poitrine.
    En tant que fusilier il n'a pas droit au port du briquet, sa baïonnette est donc attachée sur la banderole de la giberne. Ses épaules sont ornées de pattes caractéristiques des fusiliers.
    Price available till 90 kg with plain buttons.

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Light cavalry style jacket for a doctor of XXI st century

    This jacket have been made for a customer who is himself a doctor and wanted to have a dolman to use in everyday's life.
    When he visited us, we had on stock old buttons, collar tabs and epaulettes for a doctor, from beginning of XX th century.
    We added them on the jacket....this "assortment" never existed before, but it is pleasant to see.
    Maybe it could be hard to find same "spare pieces" but it shows all things that we can do.

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Trousers for german general, WWII, copy

    We usually don't sell items of WWII, but we found in a batch of uniforms 3 trousers in very good condition.
    We sell them


    125,00 €


  • Pavie Hussar officer, circa 1900

    Pavie Hussar fought during Cuba and Hispano-American war (1898-1899).
    A famous portrait by Joaquin Sorolla shows Alfonso XIII wearing the Uniform of the Hussars .
    Price includes: dolman, pelisse, trousers and sash

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • General of division uniform, regulation type 1893

    Made for a japanese customer.
    Japanese army adopted many french uniforms at the end of 19 th century.
    Jacket: 1316 €
    Trousers: 549 €
    Képi: 650 €

    2 515,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Uniforme de Général de l'union

    Tenu de général de l'union réalisé pour un client

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Austrian field marshall uniform of François Joseph, Emperor of Austria

    This is the favourite uniform of the husband of Sissi, Emperor of Austria from 1848 to 1916!
    He took part to wars during 2nd empire and first world war!
    See the painting on sale by Osenat auctioneer on 15 th November 2015.
    Price includes red trousers with gold braid on sides, jacket with buttons, no embroideries of leaves on collar and cuffs and no decoration of Marie Theresa of Austria.
    We made this uniform at least 3 times for different customers.

    For price quote, contact us

    12 to 16' delivery time

  • For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Canadian tunic for general

    For a canadian customer

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Lafayette nous voici

    Not so easy to choose inside numerous paintings of Lafayette, sometimes very different.
    The period was so troubled that regulation type uniforms were probably really made in few samples.
    We finally make the choice showed on this picture, described in many paintings.

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Chasseur d'Afrique, officer uniform

    Copy of a uniform sold by B Malvaux some years ago.
    Hat and ammunition pouch are not exactly similar with original, but we made this uniform for dancing, so both are not used as soon as our customer dances.
    Indicated price is for jacket and trousers only.
    All made in our atelier.

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • For price quote, contact us

    12 to 16' delivery time

  • Uniforme du collège Saint Stanislas, vers 1900

    Le collège Stanislas est un établissement privé catholique sous contrat d'association avec l'État de Paris, fondé en 1804 par l'abbé Claude Rosalie Liautard, rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs, à l'emplacement des actuels rue Vavin, rue Bréa et boulevard Raspail.
    Un client, lui même ancien élève, nous a demandé de reproduire la tenue d'un de ses ancêtres qui avait fréquenté le même établissement...C'est chose faite.

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Fusilier du 66e régiment d'infanterie de Ligne en Guadeloupe. 1802-1808/1812.

    Habit blanc, boutons au numéro 66, col revers et parements bleus, pattes d'épaules pour les fusiliers blancs passepoilées bleu: 970 €
    Gilet avec boutons au modèle: 221 €
    Bicorne à la cocarde tricolore sans pompon, ni plumet: 330 €
    Culotte de route rayée en grosse toile: 205 €
    Guêtres courtes noires (la paire) : 120 €
    Baudrier porte baïonnette:128 €

    1 974,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Fantassin du 66 ème de ligne, septembre 1915 ...translation later

    Notre client a souhaité rendre hommage à son arrière grand père, tué lors de la seconde offensive de l'Artois en septembre 1915.
    La difficulté majeure a été de se baser sur les illustrations de l'époque et les pièces parvenues jusqu'à nous et clairement datées de cette période.
    En effet le deuxième semestre de 1915 est une période durant laquelle les approvisionnements sont très difficiles. Les autorités avaient prévu une guerre courte et elle s'enlise dans les tranchées. L'industrie textile est en zone occupée par les allemands et il faut se rabattre sur des fabrications de substitution, des ersatz...un mot allemand.
    On fait alors "flèche de tout bois". Certains partent au front avec leurs propres culottes de velours côtelé, des brodequins civils. On confectionne des brelages en toile de tente, on recouvre les gourdes de grosse toile bleutée.
    Autant les tenues règlementaires ne posent pas de problèmes...on refait la même chose qui est "uniformisée", à partir de bonnes sources.
    Autant il ne faut pas non plus donner l'impression qu'on habille notre fantassin comme un clochard en l'affublant de tout ce qui peut ressembler à des équipements civils et militaires d'époque...un peu facile.
    Nous nous sommes donc attaché à intégrer dans cette tenue des éléments d'époque que nous avons pu trouver dans des photos de cette période, ou provenant de familles dans lesquels ils avaient été conservés. Si nous avons du les refaire, nous sommes partis de matériaux d'époque.
    Le tout a demandé beaucoup de recherches, mais la demande émanait d'un de nos plus fidèles clients et ça nous a fait plaisir de satisfaire sa demande et de changer un peu de période.
    Nous mettons d'abord en ligne les éléments d'équipement, l'uniforme qui nous a servi de modèle (en mauvais état, mais 100 % d'époque) .
    La copie que nous allons en faire suivra dans le cours du 1er trimestre 2019

    For price quote, contact us


  • Uniform of 85 th line infantry, captain, 1786

    We did not make trousers and waistcoat.

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Uniform "grand siècle"/pirate: jacket, waistcoat

    Made in our atelier with old silver braid.
    Habit à la française....my own, I change it, otherwise everybody will think that we don't know what else we can do!
    Price includes: "habit veste"(chest 108 cm), waistcoat.

    For price quote, contact us

    Out of stock

  • Compagnies franches de la marine, officer uniform

    Price includes jacket with brass buttons, waistcoat with or without sleeves, trousers, stockings and hat
    Not included: shoes with buckles, whig and collar.

    From 1 591,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Cuirassier du roy

    Uniform used till first years of revolution, price for jacket only.

    970,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Uniform of"ingenieur general des mines"

    Used at the end of XIXth century
    Type of embroideries is quite different of 1st empire embroideries, thread is quite bigger.

    3 747,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Uniform of "ingenieur en chef des ponts et chaussee" or Mines (with collar and cuffs in blue)

    Used at the end of XIXth century
    Type of embroideries is quite different of 1st empire embroideries, thread is quite thicker.

    2 970,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Austrian field marshall uniform of François Joseph, Emperor of Austria

    This is the favourite uniform of the husband of Sissi, Emperor of Austria from 1848 to 1916!
    He took part to wars during 2nd empire and first world war!
    See the painting on sale by Osenat auctioneer on 15 th November 2015.
    Price includes red trousers with gold braid on sides, jacket with buttons, embroideries on collar and cuffs added on thin braids and decoration of Marie Theresa of Austria.
    We made this uniform at least 3 times for different customers;

    For price quote, contact us

    3 to 6 months' delivery time

  • Uniform of tsar Nicolas II, not for re enactment

    Price without decorations, epaulettes without fringes, aiglets made with milanese cord.

    1 680,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • French mayor uniform, from second Empire....till today by antikcostume

    Obligation for mayor from second empire till beginning of third republic.....and then no more used, but not forbidden.
    A young mayor want to introduce it again...we made it.

    For price quote, contact us

    8 to 12' delivery time
