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Costumes and accessories from the First French Empire

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To make our sashes for generals and marshalls we had to use 3rd republic sashes, rare and expensive.
Copies were considered as "impossible". Now, with us, it is possible

Accessories used to recognize easily staff officers, generals and field marshals.
Sashes for light cavalry were used as a tradition coming from Hungarian hussars, who were soldiers of fortune, employed by French and all European armies as light cavalry.
Theses sashes were also protections for waist in fights and long cavalcades.

SOUS L'EMPIRE les officiers d'état major étaient dotés d'un brassard, de couleur bleue spécifique à l'état major pour les officiers sous les ordres d'un général de brigade, rouge pour ceux commandés par un général de division, blanc pour les généraux en chef et les maréchaux.
Habituellement les brassards étaient brodés, mais le musée de l'Empéri présente un intéressant modèle de brassard réalisé dans un tissu identique à celui utilisé pour réaliser les ceintures écharpes de commandement.

Les ceintures utilisées par la cavalerie légère, à titre de tradition héritée des cavaliers hongrois (qui furent les premiers hussards "mercenaires"), étaient aussi destinées à maintenir et protéger les reins pendant les longues chevauchées et les combats.
Les baudriers de commandement des maréchaux et généraux d'empire furent de différents modèles, un seul est présenté actuellement sur notre site, d'autres modèles plus suivront.

  • Baudrier de général de division

    Le baudrier provenant d'une collection privée, qui nous a servi de modèle, était superbe, nous avons pu ainsi respecter les volumes, beaucoup mieux qu'en travaillant à partir d'un dessin.
    L'épée n'est pas comprise dans le prix, c'est une five balls d'époque, qui n'a pas été nettoyée, cela fait encore plus ressortir la brillance des broderies par comparaison.

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Baldric for sabre briquet of the Imperial guard

    See lines on both sides of the strap.
    Size is adjustable, if you are not especially big or tall you can reduce size of strap and make 2 new holes.

    89,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Eaux et forêts, 1 er Empire. Plaque de baudrier

    Très belle reproduction, aux ciselures de qualité, d'une rare plaque de baudrier des Eaux et Forêts.
    Dim: cm X cm.

    95,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Baldric for sabre briquet and baionet of the line infantry

    Made in thick white leather for re enactment .
    Size is adjustable, if you are not especially big or tall you can reduce size of strap and make 2 new holes.

    89,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Mousqueton for mousquet 16 x 10 cm

    Steel buckle used to attached the "mousquet" on the back of the rider. It allows to pass promptly the rifle from back to front.

    49,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Baldric to hold sword for court cloth.

    To hang a sword without a belt, this baldric is really necessary.
    You have to visit us in our shop if you order it, because we make it a your precise size to be seen exactly on side of jacket at the requested place.

    For price quote, contact us

    No information on delivery time

  • Sash for chevau léger lancier

    Hard work to reproduce these accessories, but we are happy with the result!

    700,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Sash for "marechal d'empire".

    Symbols of the grade on the "greek shield", made in golden thread.
    With our new production of copies of sash, we can offer now sashes that were very expensive, price is now 790 € for a well finished sash for marshall! Caution, this price is for a mximum waist size of 100 cm, if more, you will have to pay an extra cost.Extremities are 19 cm high, including fringes 12 cm high with 2 different diametres.

    From 790,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Sash for "general de division"

    Indicate your waist size (measure it when dressed, at the place you will wear it).
    When a general de division lead an army he has 4 stars.

    From 790,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Sashes for general de brigade

    2 stars, for general de brigade on a symbolised greek shield, made in embroidered goldened thread.
    Made with our own production of sashes.
    Caution, the size you have to communicate has to be measured where you really wear the sash, at the level of navel, on shirt + waistcoat + jacket.

    From 790,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Sash extremities for general or marshall

    PRICE BY PAIR. 2 stars for general de brigade, 3 stars for"general de division", 4 stars for "general en chef" or marshall but also crossed marshall sticks for marshall.

    385,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Armband for staff officer of generals and marshalls, embroidered

    Copy of an original and rare piece from "musée de l'Emperi".
    We can make these armbands for "general de brigade" on light blue, for general de division" with gold on red melton, or both for general de division "commandant en chef" or field marshall in gold on white.

    380,00 €

    8 to 12' delivery time


  • Armband for staff officer of generals and marshalls

    Copy of an original and rare piece from "musée de l'Emperi", of armband for staff officer of "general de brigade"
    We can now make also copies for général de division (gold and red) and also marshall(gold and white)!

    340,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Belt for officer, light cavalry - Simplified type

    Cylindres and button are replaced with a braid looking like embroideries.
    4 to 6 ranks of thread, regulation is normally 6.
    Surviving belts show 4 or 5 or 6!!!


    From 229,00 €

    12 to 16' delivery time


  • Sash for light cavalry

    Red cotton thread, very dry.
    Moving cylindres.
    Delivery time about 10 weeks

    From 320,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Tambour major de la garde baldric

    Made in green for chasseur, can be also made in red for grenadier. French "galon baton" and thin nfringes on sides

    280,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Tambour major de la ligne baldric

    Copy of a genuine one from musée de l'Empéri , can be seen in book "Les Trésors de l'Empéri" page 152.

    250,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Shoulder strap for generals and field's marshals (1812)

    In this case, the cock head was replaced by an eagle head. Caution, the indicated price is for an improved copy of the original pieces.

    1 460,00 €

    3 to 6 months' delivery time


  • Red belt

    272 X 14 cm .
    Turns around your body up to 3 times, depending of your waist size.
    Used centuries ago till now in traditional costumes.

    17,00 €

    Out of stock
