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Original weapons. Buy and sale.

Here you can buy old original weapons of many different countries and different periods: sabres, swords and foils and eventually fire arms if sale is legal in France.
We cannot know regulations of all countries, so before you pass an order, verify that importation of these weapons is legal in your country.
If not, we won't accept any claim if you have problems with your local customs.

  • Sabre for junior officer of infantry, 1855 type, with scabbard.

    Blade with inscriptions "Klingenthal" and "Coulaux Cie" with an half circle shape.
    Total length 101 cm, blade 86 cm. Except a fold on scabbard, good condition.
    Made before 1882. Scabbard have 2 rings.


    230,00 €

    Out of stock

  • Sabre d'officier de cavalerie modèle 1883.

    Nice blade 92 cm long, no oxydization.
    Nice inscription on back "Manuf d'armes de Chat t Avril 1884. Off er de Cav rie Mle 1883. Ent se Henry".
    Brass with a slight cupper colour.
    Steel scabbard with only one brace, some bumps due to normal use.
    Good global condition


    320,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre in oriental style with damascus blade and gold inscriptions + dagger, for Napoleon mamelouk.

    From our limited serie of 12 pieces in 2015. One of our byers gave it us back for sale
    Travelling in India, we were lucky enough to find craft workers who work as 1000 years ago.
    Blade are made folding metal many time, it gives strength to the metal that is also especially sharp.
    Inscriptions in arabic are made with real gold wire, inserted inside metal with a small mallet, after digging thin lines with a small gouge.
    Scabbard extremities are made in silverplated and chiselled metal. Silver become a bit grey as an old sabre.
    Some sewings in cupper are lacking, but it is not very obvious if you are not warned


    970,00 €

    Out of stock

  • Heavy cavalry, senior officer sabre, 3rd republic

    Longueur 106 cm, dont lame 92 cm. Quelques points d'oxydation sur la lame, marquée du nom d'un fournisseur privé.
    Garde en bronze à finir de nettoyer, à forte teneur en cuivre, ce qui lui donne une teinte un peu rougeâtre, moins marquée que sur la photo.
    Jolies gravures et ciselures sur les branches de garde, au nombre de 4, ce qui indique un modèle de cavalerie lourde.
    Fourreau à un seul anneau, ce qui indique un modèle utilisé après 1882.
    Longueur totale : cm.


    280,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • 3 hilts of sabres + 1 fusée. 3 rd Republic

    1882 for infantry officer+ 1822 modified 1882 for cavalry officer (adult and child).


    110,00 €

    Out of stock

  • 3 sabres for French infntry officers, 1821, 1845 and 1882 type.

    Usually common, no scabbards, but 2 have engraved blades!


    340,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre d'officier supérieur d'infanterie modèle 1845, sans fourreau, avec dragonne.

    Beau modèle d'un sabre assez courant, mais pas avec une telle lame, qui est d'un modèle tout à fait particulier, avec sa triple gouttière, celle du centre étant parcourue par une fine ligne sur toute sa longueur. Bons marquages. Coulaux Ainé et C...ie? Manufacture de Klingenthal. 2 poinçons sont présents, dont un très clairement identifiable représentant un B surmonté d'une sorte de cuvier occupé au centre par un motif à 3 pointes, qui est le poinçon de contrôle utilisé entre 1838 et 1860 à Klingenthal. Sous réserve d'identification du poinçon pas très lisible, qui contredirait cette conclusion, le modèle est donc du second Empire
    Longueur totale 101 cm dont lame 86 cm. Bel état, dans son jus.


    260,00 €

    Out of stock

  • Court or officer sword, silver hilt, end Louis XV, beginning Louis XVI.

    Nice chiseled guard, cupper filigranee.
    Engraved blade with numerous inscriptions, including "houssart".
    Total length 93 cm


    670,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword with trophy of arms. Goldplated. Restauration/Louis Philippe period. (1815-1848)

    Trophy of arms
    Pommel adorned by a Minerva Head, nice mother of pearl on handle.
    Triangular blade. Few reamining blue and gold on first third part.
    Leather scabbard.
    Length 91 cm. Nice condition.


    530,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • English sabre for staff officer, 1861 type

    Nice brass handle,nice blade. Global good condition.
    96 cm

    470,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for staff officer with web. Silverplated. Restauration period - No scabbard

    Spide web is a symbol for staff officer during Empire, and later.
    Pomme adorned by a warrior Head, Bone (?) plates
    Flat blade, probably younger than other parts of sword.

    Length 99 cm.


    370,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • 320,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Powder flask, end XVII th century

    Original piece (except leather cord to hang it), used in infantry, cavalry and especially dragoon.
    Made in strong leather. Cork is in wood.
    Very good condition. 26 cm lo,ng


    270,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Prussian officier sabre with folding Guard. Circa 1900

    Total length 100 cm, blade made in Solingen. Global good condition.


    220,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Prussian cavalry sabre, modèle 1889 type, engraved blade! No scabbard

    Type used form 1889 till end of WWI.
    Nice engraved blade.
    Could be cleaned, total length 99cm.


    190,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Relics WWI: bayonet "Rosalie", Adrian helmet with commemorative plate+ 2 ENGRAVED SHELL CASINGS

    1) Bayonet "Rosalie" for Lebel rifle, no scabbard.
    2) Adrian helmet (no inside, oxydization) with commemorative plate.
    3) 2 shell casings engraved by a soldier in trenches. Only one on picture, but you will receive 2!


    120,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • 118,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • New

    99,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Bayonet for ceremonies 1871 type. German states

    Used in most "german" states from 1871.
    Total length 60 cm, blade (engraved on type with scabbard 48 cm. Good condition


    From 90,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Savoie. Royal artillerie corp officer sabre 1819 type

    Nice engraved blade "Nizza 1826".
    In 1826, Nice is not yet french and still attached to Savoie.
    Total length 93 cm, blade 80 cm.
    Scabbard is teared but protected blade well.


    790,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • French sword walloon for cavalry of 1679

    Strong Walloon cavalry sword known as "de 1679" or "De Louvois".
    Double grille bridge missing. Jean Knecht blade


    750,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Marine officer sword with swordknot.

    Nice gilded chiseling.
    Metal parts of scabbard are assorted, and very pleasant to see!
    Don't put blade out of scabbard as long as scabbard is not lying on a flat surface. Otherwise you could break it...No possible return.


    310,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for sous officier de gendarmerie second Empire.

    Very nice and particular sword made during second Empire for gendarmerie, good condition, with scabbard.
    Engraved Coulaux and Klingenthal


    280,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre of commissaire de Police. Belgium end XIXth, beginning XXth.

    Made by Auguste Fonson in Bruxelles.
    Good condition, except scabbard that could turn quickly into 3 pieces if you handle it in a wrong way.
    Nice silverplating


    260,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Hunting dagger, 18 th century. No scabbard.

    Made during 18 th century. Deer antler handle.
    Blade large 34 mm at beginning, long 625 mm, with remaining engravings. Total length 765 mm .
    Global good condition, could be used, adding a scabbard.


    310,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Bresilian sabre

    For cavalry or marine?
    Bronze grip!
    Good condition, circa 1900


    320,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Box to offer short sabres

    Caution, not thick enough to put briquet of 1st Empire for instance.

    Outer length 785 mm , outer width 165 mm, outer thickness 40 mm.
    Only one in black and one in green.

    47,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre de l'armée espagnole, modèle de 1943

    Blade 86 cm.
    Type used from 1943.
    Good condition.


    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Prussian dagger and (German?) ammunition pouches

    Prussian parade dagger 1871 type.
    Bronze handle, length 605 mm, no scabbard.
    Ammunition pouches are very close of Prussian type of WWI, but we don't know precisely what they are.
    Thick leather, good condition. Number 86389 stamped in leather.

    110,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Mounted artillry sabre, trooper, 1829 type. Transformed in a "looking like" oriental sabre by suppressing part of guard

    1829 type. We found 2 of them with partly cut branch of guard.
    Maybe it was done for a use as oriental sabre?
    All parts are original

    Blade (81,2 cm),
    On one blade, texte is unreadable, and end of blade is slightly oxydized in its last part.
    On the other one text on blade is perfectly readable, but last 4 cm are very oxydized.

    No Scabbard.


    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Marine officer sabre with strap

    Anchors, shells and dolphins....This is for marine!
    Very nice chisellings on 2 faces of guard. Sold with its original strap.
    Very good condition
    Made "recently", but still good quality.
    Total length 885 mm, blade 740 mm


    330,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for toreador so called "estoque de matador" + 2 swords for decoration.

    Sword for toreador is curved to reach easier heart of bull and kill him quickly.
    95 cm long.
    Other swords are made only for decoration, blade are engraved. Length 99 and 101 cm.
    All need a cleaning.


    101,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for sous officier de gendarmerie. 3 rd republic 1870. No scabbard. Button of guard functional.

    Precedent price: 170 €.
    Good condition, no scabbard. Stamps
    Length 99 cm. Blade made by Coulaux Klingenthal.
    You can keep back of guard open with the appropriate button, functional!


    139,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for sous officier de gendarmerie. 3 rd republic 1870. No scabbard. Button of guard not functional.

    Precedent price: 170 €.
    Good condition, no scabbard. Stamps
    Length 99 cm. Blade made by Coulaux Klingenthal.
    You cannot keep back of guard open with the appropriate button, not functional!
    Could probably be repaired. Low price.


    125,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for officer of "haras", 1817 type

    Extremely rare type.
    Fusée en corne. Monture en laiton ciselé et doré.
    Contre clavier pliant.
    Clavier orné d'une tête de cheval flanquée de palmes.
    Garde à une branche, quillon orné d'un mufle de lion.
    Lame droite à 2 pans, fortement oxydée et repolie.
    Blade signed Coulaux et Cie à Klingenthal.
    Length 88,5 cm, blade 72 cm


    510,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre 1882 type for child

    Sabre for child of this type is rare.
    It is a reduced type of sabre attributed to french infantry officer during WWI.
    Total length 71 cm.
    Small lacking part aon base of handle.

    85,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Non regulation type sabre for officers. Made by Backes 1914

    Made by établissements Backes, 1 rue Elzevir in Paris.
    Officers could buy in private cvompanies special sabres, not as regulation type.
    This one is a mix of sabre for generals and 1882 regulation type for infantry.
    Some hits on scabbard. Except this, good condition.
    Length 105 cm.

    260,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre revolution period.

    Plain type with a bare blade, as usual during this period.
    84 cm. Old scabbard is not complete, lowest metal extremity is lacking, and also button on highest.

    410,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for administration, silverplated, 3 rd republic, 1870-1945

    98 cm, blade 82 cm.
    Really silverplated, you can clean it if you want and original colour will appear again.
    Bare blade in excellent condition. Sewing of scabbard teared, but it remains strong (for seomething 150 years old)

    420,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Infantry briquet, with new scabbard. Revolution period

    Blade is not the regulation type blade as it was often during revolution period.
    Total length 86 cm.

    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Épée des officiers de santé selon les textes du 15/11/1837 et 07/05/1838

    Modèle parfaitement décrit page dans le tome III de "Des sabres et des épées" par Michel Petard...Que vous pouvez acheter auprès d'Antikcostume/Empirecostume.
    Pommeau aux foudres, branche de garde ciselée, clavier au coq, emblème du règne de Louis Philippe, sur fond de drapeaux. Contre clavier rabattable fonctionnel .
    Pas de marquage sur la lame. Petit éclat dans la corne à la base du pommeau.
    Lame grisée, sans marquage visible, et parties en bronze, à finir de nettoyer, état correct par ailleurs.
    Habituellement les épées du service de santé arborent le caducée, symbole de la médecine.
    Les épées de cette période font exception.
    Longueur totale 94 cm dont lame 78 cm.

    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Cutlass, french type 1833. Without scabbard

    Regulation type 1833.
    Painted steel, Curve blade engraved with an anchor, and indication "Manufacture Royale de Chatelleraut, mars 1841".
    Blade 67 cm. oxydized

    470,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for senior officers of health services. regulation type 15/11/1837 and 07/05/1838. Sample 2

    Described in tome III of "Des sabres et des épées" byr Michel Petard...Sold by Empirecostume.
    Nice condition.
    Total length 97 cm, blade 82 cm.

    Lame poinçonnée au talon. Filigrane d'aspect cuivreux. Contre clavier mobile au moyen d'une bille, bien présente et fonctionnelle.
    Bel état.
    Habituellement les épées du service de santé arborent le caducée, symbole de la médecine.
    Les épées de cette période font exception.

    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Mounted artillry sabre, officer, 1829 type. Without scabbard

    1829 type.
    Laurel on pommel and branch.
    Blade (81,2 cm), good stamps and writing.

    430,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Gendarmerie officer 1923 type- With swordknot

    1923 type, still used now in gendarmerie
    Bronze and horn handle.
    Blade stamped "Coulaux Fres Klingenthal, France"
    Steel scabbard, need a global cleaning

    Total length 100 cm, blade 85 cm

    249,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Italian heavy cavalry sabre 1860 type

    Very good condition
    Total length 103 cm, blade 87 cm.
    Sabre of italian independance.

    310,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre briquet: grenadier with scabbard, royalty/revolution

    Used during end of royalty and revolution.
    Plain blade as often during revolution.
    Scabbrd is in one piece, but is ready to break in 2 pieces, to move with precautions
    Length 71 cm, blade 57 cm

    260,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Briquet low weight, nice engravings on blade, last 1/3 of XVIII th century.

    Handle 110 mm, total length 615 mm. Total weight 483 gr.
    Blade with nice engravings. Quite unusual

    210,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Rapier partly made with old pieces

    UFNI. Unidentified Cutting Object
    Total length 100 cm, blade beginning XIX th century, engraved with S H, flowers...

    210,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • English cavalry sabre, WW1, 1899 type

    Very big and too heavy for the cavalry , this sabre was replaced by the 1908 model
    Markings and various punches present! Blade is oxydized.
    Scabbard suffered, wood inside of it is turning to powder and prevent blade coming down to extremity.
    Need a global good cleaning. 103 cm long.

    270,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • English cavalry sabre, WW1, 1908 type. Natural metal colour.

    This sabre replaced the 1899 model, too big and too heavy for the cavalry.
    Very special aspect, but almost never used, WWI signed end of cavalry charges.
    Markings well present!
    Good condition. Total length:110 cm.

    370,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • SWord for staff officer, Louis philippe period(1830-1848), mother of pearl handle

    Sold as we found it, need a good cleaning and will have a nice aspect.
    Rooster (symbol of France for this period) between oak and laurel branches, on 2 flags topped by small roosters.
    Small accident in mother of pearl on back side, hardly visible.

    Blade is oxydized, but engraved with remaining blue and gold.
    Total length 94 cm

    256,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword. Ingeneer of "Mines"- Circa 1900

    Gold plated brass, middle of XIX th century.
    Mother of pearl handle.
    Total length 92 cm, blade 76 cm .

    Nice blade "Coulaux et Cie Klingenthal".
    Good condition, just need a cleaning

    370,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for administration, 3 rd republic, 1870-1945 , no scabbard.

    85 cm.
    Nice engraved blade in excellent condition.
    Small accident on mother of pearl on back of handle.
    Except this, good condition, just need a cleaning

    270,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Rapière à tasse avec lame moderne montée sur une garde ancienne. Variante 1

    Nous avons trouvé quelques armes de décoration/théâtre, montées avec des lames inutilisables et des gardes dotées de pas de vis inappropriés.
    Nous avons mis en place des lames d'escrime moderne, donc facilement remplaçables, fabriquées en Europe, longues de 90 cm et terminées par une pointe du type de celles utilisées sur les lames de compétition , que vous pourrez conserver, ou pas.
    Chaque arme est proposée en un seul exemplaire, vous aurez le plaisir de disposer d'une pièce qui sera vraisemblablement unique en son genre, patinée, marquée par son vécu.
    Nous ne les nettoyons pas, nous vous laissons le soin de le faire si vous le souhaitez.

    220,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for sous officier de gendarmerie. 3 rd republic 1870 - With scabbard, not original, but old production.

    Good condition, scabbard remade some decades ago with original brass parts.
    Length 99 cm

    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre for officer, revolution

    Sabre used during end of royalty and revolution period, so it is a "raw" production, functionnal but nothing more than what s absolutely necessary
    Blade 79 cm.
    Officer type

    285,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • 1882 type for infantry officer, by Balp, with swordknot

    Regulation type, good condition, just need a cleaning.
    Total length 105 cm

    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Épée de cour, règne de Louis XVI

    Good condition. 103 cm.
    Engraved blade.
    Used from Louis XVI period till Empire.

    370,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for staff officer of Marine. Consulat

    Vendémiaire an XII, type.

    Anchor designs a marine sword.
    You can also recognize Nepune. Helmet of pommel is covered by fish scales.
    Nice sword, nice condition, rare.
    Total length 99 cm, blade 83 cm


    450,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Bayonet for Gras rifle

    Good condition.
    Same number (42309) on handle and scabbard.
    Engraved blade "Manufacture d'armes de Saint Etienne mai 1877"
    Total length 66 cm.

    110,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre from ex DDR with belt DDR

    Inspired from sabres used in german army for decades, but with symbol of East Germany.
    Some scratches on scabbard, except this, good condition.
    We add a belt from DDR also, very good condition

    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Short sword, end of 18 th century style, with blade circa 1900, for children, small hands...or decoration

    Made especially for theatre, or old production with a blade replaced circa 1900.
    For handle, max 85 mm large.
    Fencing blade....-BOUCHE PARIS- de 825 mm.
    Total length 96 cm.
    Very pleasant.

    190,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre Germany WWII

    Carl Eickorn maker 1933-1934 indicated on blade and guard

    On scabbard C.E/G. Very close of Weimar types, not yet with the eagle and swastika
    Length 100 cm. Good condition

    270,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Dagger for fireman officer

    Handle in horn. Global good condition, No scabbard.

    These weapons were made as well as fighting types, it is a very interesting part of collection of weapons.
    Length. cm.

    95,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Marine officer sabre with belt buckles.

    Anchors, shells and dolphins....This is for marine!
    Very nice chisellings on 2 faces of guard. Sold with its 2 original straps.
    Very good condition
    No inscription on blade. Made some decades ago, no plastic in handle!
    Total length 820 mm, blade 675 mm.
    Belt buckles were made also some decades ago, and never used, they kept a perfect gold plating.

    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sabre for foot artillery, Louis Philippe. Dated june 1831

    1816 type modified in 1830 for Louis-Philippe period, suppressing lilly on pommel.Different numbers on handle and scabbard, but both are from same period.
    End of scabbard was absent, we give you an old one, you can fix it

    Good piece

    249,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Flask for lead balls, mid 19 th century

    Thick leather ended by a dosing system
    Length 23 cm

    90,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • USA. Free mason. Sword of Knight of Columbus

    90 cm long.
    Head of Christopher Columbus on pommel.
    Numerous inscriptions and chiselings.
    Global good condition

    310,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • USA. Free mason. Handle with american eagle

    88 cm long.
    Wood is cracked. Blade is grey but could be cleaned.

    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Infantry sword 1831

    Classical type 1831. Good condition, numerous inscriptions.
    Manuf royale de Klingenthal on one side and 1832 on the other.
    Used from 1831 till 1870.
    Length 66 cm, blade 48 cm.

    195,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • 2 swords for fireman or cantiniere

    Special sword for fireman or cantiniere, from 1831 type, but smaller

    Length 575 and 595 mm. Good condition

    120,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword with scales on handle.

    50 cm.
    A collector indicated that it was american ( USA)?
    We found no confirmation. So we indicated a reasonnable price for something that seems rare...We have never seen any, before now.

    140,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Ceinturon, sabre (attributed), swordknot of cadet of Saint Cyr, with beret and 2 collar pin's.

    Sabre attributed to a cadet of promotion 174, Capitaine Hamacek (1989-1992).
    Prodbably made by BALP. Stains on blade, would nered a deep cleaning.
    One point of oxydization on scabbard.

    230,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • US. Infantry officer sword , model 1802, with swordknot

    Nice engraved blade, except some oxydization arround rings for straps, good condition.
    Quiet uncommon in Europe.

    290,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • 99,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • 80,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • 80,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • 60,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs


  • Sword for non commissioned officer. With leather scabbard . 29 th october 1905 type

    Type used for non commissioned officers who had no attribution of a specific type of sword.
    Good condition, but scabbard is fragile after 150 years, if you want to take off blade out of scabbard, you have to lay it on a flat surface.
    Total length: 97 cm.

    220,00 €

    In stock, shipped within 24 to 72 hrs

