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Military decorations
Napoleon reintroduced military decoration (Légion d'Honneur). Dignitaries of all european courts exchanged their decorations, we reproduced them.
Marshall stick.
The dream of every Napoleonic soldier. Somebody said that "every soldier had his stick in his pouch".
You can choose between a "plain " one, brass extremities without gold, and without engravings( it really existed) , or one gold plated with engravings.
Top extremity will be engraved with the following sentence: TERROR BELLI , DECUS PACIS.
Lower one with name, surname and date of nomination.
32 gold and silk embroidered eagles on blue velvet, 48 cm long, 4,2 wide.
The "must" of any Napoleonic collection .
Plaque of royal order of Westphalia
Jerome, the Emperor's favorite brother, the one to whom he forgave everything, received the title of king of Westphalia, a kingdom made for him, from various territories of what would constitute the future Germany.
He quickly wants to create his own royal order, like his brother created the Legion of Honor.
A first project was born, his brother examined it and said: “There are too many animals in that order!
Jérome slightly modifies the project, still full of "beasts", and obtains the approval of his imperial brother on April 25, 1810.
The order disappeared with the kingdom, 3 years later.
The originals of this decoration are therefore extremely rare, the plaques which were only attributed to high dignitaries almost impossible to find.
Today we offer you a very good quality copy of carvings, a real piece of jewelry, of which we only have one copy.
Diameter 9 cm.New
390,00 €
Out of stock
France court coat decoration of "grand croix de la legion d'honneur" XXL
Totally unusual size which could only be used on the cloaks of high dignitaries for significant events.
The decoration measures 255mm from tip to tip, the size of a dinner plate, see coin of one € for scale.
Ribbon of "médaille du Mexique"
Inside boxes of ribbons for 3rd republic medals, we found some remaining ribbon of "médaille du Mexique".
As new, limited stock.
Hache d'abordage d'honneur (copy...of course!)
Extremely rare decoration, on sold in an auction (18/11/2009, Etude De Maigret, Expert B Croissy), was paid tenth thousands Euros
12 haches d'abordage d'honneur are known, 4 are in museums.
Ribbon of "médaille du Mexique", original production made during Second Empire
Inside boxes of ribbons for 3rd republic medals, we found some remaining ribbon of "médaille du Mexique".
As new, limited stock.37,00 €
Out of stock
Engraved marshall baton. Price by one.
32 eagles embroidered in gold thread on a dark blue velvet.
Repartition of eagles is not perfect.
Discounted price.
Engraved marshall baton. You can now choose NEY or LANNES - Price by one (without waistcoat)
No difference with an original (see last picture), except age....and price!
32 eagles embroidered in gold thread on a dark blue velvet.
Till now engraving was handmade, one by one, we now produce them in series, so we can propose a very interesting price!
Medal of fighters of 1870:" Oublier, jamais" (never forget).
Attributed to all soldiers who fought during war of 1870 France/Germany.
" Oublier, jamais" means "never forget".
France: chevalier of " legion d'honneur, 1st empire 3 rd type, with ribbon
37 mm diametre, topped with a crown, silver aspect, no tie on ribbon.
Limited stock.
87,00 €
Out of stock
Casket containing 2 decorations for dignitaries: Légion d'Honneur and Iron Crown
Old casket is covered with red leather.
It contains 2 copies of decorations for high dignitaries, created by Napoleon 1st.
One Légion d'honneur and one Iron Crown, specially dedicated to people who offered great service to kingdom of Italia.
Napoléon was also king of Italia.
Ney Field's marshall baton, plain brass extremities - copie
Made from original one, as you can see on a picture from Book:
"Jean Louis de Crabbé, colonel d'Empire, laissé pour mort à Waterloo" page 269, Éditions du canonnier.
48 cm long X 4,2 cm diameter.
Marshall baton of Marmont
This marshall distinguished him in different ways...
In this case he had a very special stick, with eagles and bees.
Bâtons for marshalls for actual foreign countries
We made some sticks for actual dignitaries of foreign countries, inspired by french napoleonic batons.
Ask us for any creation.For price quote, contact us
No information on delivery time
France court coat decoration of "grand croix de la legion d'honneur"
This decoration was sewed on court coat and is extremely rare.
Impressive size: 15 cm.
Can be used for a presentation. Silver embroideries
"grand cordon de grand croix de la legion d'honneur"
11 cm Large, 80 cm long. Iridescent red ribbon
"Plaque de grand aigle", Legion d'Honneur, new type , metal center
Legion d'honneur for all marshalls for instance.
Highest rank before "Grand chancelier"
"Plaque de grand aigle", legion d'honneur, silverplated metal - Only one for sale
Legion d'honneur for all marshalls for instance.
110,00 €
Out of stock
Lot de 4 médailles
- Médaille en bronze à patine brune., d'après G PRUD'HOMME. A/ "Ferdinand FOCH Maréchal
de France". R/ "Rethondes signature de l'Armistice 8-11 Novembre 1918". Diam : 68 mm.
- Médaille en bronze d'après Paul BELMONDO (1898-1982). A/ Profil de Jean-Paul II. Signée.
R/ Armoiries papales et devise « Dieu pour tous les hommes ». Diam : 72 mm.
- Collection "Histoire de France". 2 petites médailles aspect vermeil marquées:
"Aliénor d'Aquitaine, Reine de France et d'Angleterre, 1137-1223". Diam : 36 mm.
"Lothaire, (oxydation) 954-986". Diam 36 mm .
Grand cordon with jewel of"grand aigle de la legion d'honneur".
Reproduction of jewel (70 mm large) sold with his "Grand Cordon".
Only one for sale270,00 €
Out of stock
Légion d'Honneur for Cardinal Fesch and some roman dignitaries
Copy of a very rare decoration, attributed to Cardinal Fesch, uncle of Napoleon and some italian dignitaries.
Diam 115 mm
Decoration of officier de la Legion d'Honneur, 1st type, with ribbon
First type had no balls on extremities of cross, and no crown to top it.
This type was used from middle of 1804, till april 1806
Sold with ribbon. 37 mm diameter
99,00 €
Out of stock
Jewel of iron crown with ribbon, officer
Sold with ribbon with "tie".
Looks like a genuine one as it is
31 mm high, 28 mm large.
Colour of ribbon is the real colour of the genuine ribbon: ORANGE AND GREEN. Colour passed on old decorations but regulation instructions indicated orange and green.140,00 €
Out of stock
Jewel of iron crown with ribbon
Sold with ribbon
31 mm high, 28 mm large.
Silver colour is colour of a new decoration. Grey colour appeared after years, we sell this decoration as if it was old.
Colour of ribbon is the real colour of the genuine ribbon: ORANGE AND GREEN. Colour passed on old decorations but regulation instructions indicated orange and green.120,00 €
Out of stock
"Plaque de grand aigle", Légion d'Honneur, all embroidered .
Attributed to all marshalls and most important people.
Silver thread on silver spangles.
France: ribbons for legion d'honneur
Indicated price is price for ribbon only, you can also buy the jewel with his rubbon in our website.
You can choose a" bare" ribbon, or with tie, not very easy to find and specific to first Empire. Ribbon: 38 mm large
France: officer of legion d'honneur: 3rd type
37 mm diametre, topped with a crown, goldplated, sold with ribbon decorated with a small tie. One of the best copies ever made, compare price & quality with precedent copies.ON STOCK!
99,00 €
Out of stock
Ruban tricolore avec rosette.
Destiné notamment à accrocher des médailles de fonctions électives.
Longueur totale 135 mm. Diamètre rosette 18 mm. Largeur ruban 25 mm.
stock ancien certains ont été utilisés et l'on voit la trace de l'anneau de la médaille sur la pliure du ruban. Vendus en l'état
Dignitaries cane
Used by Duroc(Grand Maréchal du palais) or Ségur (Grand Maitre des cérémonies), for instance.
Bronze pommel, bees on blue velvet.
Demi solde button. Price by one
At the end of Empire, soldiers were sent back home and paid half of what they received when they were soldiers (demi solde).
They liked to show that they still loved the emperor and used to sew at least one button of this type on their jackets.
Diameter 25 mm, cupper slightly silverplated.
Brother of arms, copy of medals of "Débris de la Grande Armée"
At the end of Empire, soldiers of Grande Armée met themselves inside brotherhoods, who used symbols of fallen Empire..
This medal is a copy of these particular medals.
Made in France from a very ancient mould.
Dimensions of eagle: 29 X 32 mm.
You, who took part to re enactments more than10 years long, you surely merit this decoration!
Embroidered decoration of Iron Crown. 9 X 9 cm
Made from an original one kept in Musée de la Légion d'Honneur in Paris
Embroidered decoration of Iron Crown. 12 x 12 cm
Made from an original one kept in Musée de la Légion d'Honneur in Paris
Italy/France. Jewel of Iron crown, with grand cordon.
As king of Italy Napoleon was crowned with the "iron crown" of the lombards kings.
270,00 €
Out of stock
Italie/france: couronne de fer, grand croix, in french
Text on this decoration could be written in french or italian, we propose here the french version.
Size: 12 cm. Silver thread, gilded center130,00 €
Out of stock
Decoration of "couronne de fer" for eugene de beauharnais and dignitaries.
Proposed by the emperor to his adopted son who was vice king of Italy , from a genuine one described by Guy Deploige in his book about collection Brouwet.
Such a decoration have been used by GIUSEPPE PRINA, minister of italian kingdom and have been recently sold (Etude Binoche et Gicquello, auction 20th june 2012).
Out of stock
Couronne de fer in italian, "dio me la diede". Last sample
Text on this decoration could be written in french or italian, we propose here one of the italian version .
Size: 12 cm. Gold thread, gilded center130,00 €
Out of stock
France: ordre des palmes academiques brodees, "legion violette"
French decoration instituted in 1808 to honour eminents members of university.
2 ranks: violet silk bordered with silver(officer of university) or gold (grand dignitaire).
Hollande/France. Order of the Reunion: jewel with ribbon.
Nicest reproduction on the market!
Created by Napoleon when Holland was added to French Empire, 18th octobre 1811. Suppressed 28th july 1815.
Holland/France: Order of Reunion, plaque de grand croix, 1st type
Created by Napoleon when Holland was added to French Empire,18th octobre 1811. Suppressed 28th july 1815.
Holland/France: Order of the Reunion: Ribbon with or without "Grand croix"
Created by Napoleon when Holland was added to French Empire,18th octobre 1811. Suppressed 28th july 1815.
115 X 70 mm, double face of course...
We can sell ribbon alone290,00 €
Out of stock
Marshall baton, royalty
Copy of an original from Comte de Choiseul-Stainville (1727- 1789), maréchal de France on 13 th june 1783.
Ordre de Saint Lazare. Small Decorations to hang
Diameters: 25 mm. Old nice production, made with high quality products and very precise details as center containing 2 men and motto ATAVIS ET ARMIS on green enamel.
From 26,00 €
Out of stock
Croix de veterance, 1771-1795.
Created on 16 th april by king Louis XV for "bas officiers" for 24 years in the army.
Order of the Réunion or Saint Esprit: Ribbon without "Grand croix"
Created by Napoleon when Holland was added to French Empire,18th octobre 1811. Suppressed 28th july 1815.
115 X 70 mm, double face of course...
We sell ribbon alone. Fits also for "Order of the Saint Esprit"
Decoration de l'ordre de st lazare et de n. d. du mont carmel: gold
Created by king Henri IV in 1607.
Copy from an original decoration belonging to Antoine-Nicolas de Sancières, marquis de Tenances.
You can see the original one in the very precious book of Mr Jean Pierre Collignon: "Ordres de Chevalerie"
Size:12X 12 cm, gold, silk...etc
Not created during empire period, but so nice that we could not resist...
3 bocettes to restore+ uncompleted medal
With additive crosses you can obtain 3 finished bocettes.
We add a medal, extremely nice but not finished...
Ordre de saint louis, plaque de grand croix, or, type 1
Fils d'or, sequins dorés, laminette d'or, 11 X 9 cm
Decoration of "order of saint lazare and notre dame du mont carmel", silver
Created by king Henri IV in 1607.
Copy from an original decoration belonging to Antoine-Nicolas de Sancières, marquis de Tenances.
You can see the original one in the very precious book of Mr Jean Pierre Collignon: "Ordres de Chevalerie"
Size:12X 12 cm, gold, silk...etc
Not created during empire period, but so nice that we could not resist...
Order of Saint Esprit, coat size
Created by Henri IV in 1578, suppressed during revolution and reactivated by Louis XVIII
Order of Saint Esprit, all silver
Created by Henri III in 1578, suppressed during revolution and reactivated by Louis XVIII
Copy of the decoration of ordre du saint esprit, same as the one of louis XVI
Created by Henri III in 1578, suppressed during revolution and reactivated by Louis XVIII.
A painting by Bose represents Louis XVI with the same decoration, with a gold bird instead of silver.
Blue ribbon for great cross..of different orders
Darker than our usual sky blue, but fits with some decorations
Imperial Austrian order of Iron Crown: Austria/Italy
85 mm diametre
Following Napoleon's defeat and the incorporation of the province of Lombardy by Austria the Order was reinstated on the 1st of January 1816 in a new form.
Belgium (1832) - Order of Leopold
Copy of a genuine one sold by "étude De Maigret" 18th novembre 2009, expert B Croissy.
Hollande/France: grand croix de l'ordre de la Reunion. 1811-1815 , 1st type
Created by Napoleon when Holland was added to French Empire,18th octobre 1811. Suppressed 28th july 1815.
Hollande/France: grand croix de l'ordre de la Reunion. 1811-1815
Created by Napoleon when Holland was added to French Empire,18th octobre 1811. Suppressed 28th july 1815.
Diametre 80 mm.
Copy of medal of sainte helene with his ribbon
Attributed during second Empire to survivors of the Grande Armée.
Decoration de l'ordre de st lazare: 1778 type
Created by king Henry IV in 1607. Confirmed by pope Paul V on 16th and 27th february 1608.
Type of decoration changes in 1778. Mother of jesus is replaced by the motto of the order:
"ATAVIS ET ARMIS". Size 9X 9 cm.
Marshall baton, second republic
Very close of 1st Empire type, but 56 stars (made in France) replace eagles
Ordre de saint louis, plaque de grand croix, or , type 2
Fils d'or, sequins dorés, laminette d'or, 11 X 9 cm
Institution du merite militaire( création 10 mars 1759)
Order of Saint Louis was reserved to catholiques, it was necessary to give decorations to protestants (swiss régiments for instance), who distinguished themselves for France. Mérite militaire was created especially for them .
Order of guelfes: england/hannover
Created 12th august 1815 by Georges IV prince and next king of England to honnor his ancesters, princes of Hannover.
Austria: great cross of order of leopold
One of the nicest decorations ever made
11 cm: gold, silver and silk
Created on 8 january 1808 to honnor father of François Ist, Leopold II
Decoration de l'ordre militaire de marie therese d'autriche
Institué le 18 juin 1757 par l'Impératrice Marie - Thérèse en souvenir de la bataille de Culloden. Ordre conféré exclusivement aux militaires. Il leur confère la noblesse héréditaire et le titre de Baron (suivant le grade détenu).
10 X 10 cm
Baden: lion of Zähringen, grand cross
The Order of the Zähringer Lion was instituted on 26 December 1812 by Karl, Grand Duke of Baden, in memory of the Dukes of Zähringen from whom he was descended.
Around the circle is the order's motto, FÜR EHRE UND WAHRHEIT (FOR HONOUR AND TRUTH).
Diam 65 mm
Bade: great cross of "order of fidelity"
Silver on red
Order of Saint Georges of Bavaria
Copy of a decoration sold by San Giorgio (!) on 18 octobre 2008
Baviere: military order of maximilien joseph.
Military order of Maximilien-Joseph, motto:"VIRTUTI PRO PATRIA". Silver, 94 mm
Bavaria: order of saint hubert
Created in 1444, on the day of Saint Hubert, stop to exist between 1489 and 1708.
Recreated in 1708, then confirmed as first order of Bavaria in 1808 by Duke Maximilien Joseph IV of Bavaria. Diam 10 cm: back in silver, cross in gold and silver, with red velvet in centre
Bavaria: cross for civil merit
Created on 19 may 1808 by king Maximilien Joseph of Bavaria for civilian merit.
Danemark : order of Danenbrog, 1808
Danish order, created in 1671, modified in 1808.
8,6 X 8 cm.
Decoration of 3 rd class of order of danebrog, 1808 type
Copied on Nr 421 of auction, De Maigret du 23/11/2012, expert B Croissy.
80 X 70 mm
Order of charles iii of spain
Order created on 19th September 1771 by king Charles III of SPAIN, by the occasion of birth of his grand son, infant Charles Clément.
Espagne/France: royal order of Spain
Created by Emperor's brother, Joseph, on 20th october 1808 for soldiers, and then for civilians on 18th september 1809, to suppress all old spanish orders except Golden Fleece
Espagne, ordre de saint ferdinand
Crée le 31 aout 1811 par le conseil de régence d'Espagne, durant la captivité du roi Ferdinand VII en France, il récompense le mérite et l'héroïsme militaire (AL MERITO MILTAR)
Order of gaiter
Big size, for a coat, 14 CM
Order of saint georges so called ordre de la jarretiere
Greece: ordre du sauveur, middle XIX th
First type, gold and silver
Copied on No 358 of auction De Maigret 11/23/2012, expert B Croissy.
7 cm diam
Great cross of"ordre royal de l'union"1807-1811
Décoration attributed by Louis, brother of the Emperor and king of Holland
Hungaria: decoration of saint etienne of hungaria
This decoration was offered by Marie Thérèse of Austria. Hungaria and austria were ruled by the same Emperor.
Palatinat: ordre of lion of palatinat
11 cm, silver. Palatinat is a part of actual Germany
Embroidered decoration of constantinian order of saint georges for cloak: 120 x 120 mm
Created in 312, according to tradition, real institution was acted by Isaac II Angelo Flavio Commene whose family disappeared in 1697.
Constantinian order of saint georges: 75 x 75 mm
Created in 312, according to tradition, real institution was acted by Isaac II Angelo Flavio Commene whose family disappeared in 1697.
Poland: order of white eagle
10 cm. 1815-1830 as a polish decoration
Poland: order of saint stanislas
Created 7th may 1765 by Stanislas Auguste II Poniatowski, king of poland.
Order disappeared when Poland was divided, but was used between 1809 and1815 during dukedom of Varsovie.
Pologne, Virtuti Militari, new embroidered type
We have found this type in a collection, we prefer it, so it will be our future production for this decoration
Portugal:order of tower and sword
Created by regent prince Dom Joao, in Rio de Janeiro where he took refuge, on 13 th may 1808 to commemorate arrival of royal family in Bresil after Junot invaded the country.
Order of christ of portugal
Created in 1319, renewed in 1789 by Marie du Portugal.
Bessieres, Davout et Lannes were decorated (28/12/1806).
Diametre 88 mm
Prussia: order of red eagle
10 cm diametre
Prussia: order of black eagle of prussia. New type
7 x 7 cm
Outer part in silver, centre in gold
Prussia: XL black eagle of Prussia
14 x 14 cm
Outer part in silver, centre in gold
United kingdom/scottland "very ancient and noble order of the thistle"
NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT", 8 x 8 or 12 x 12 cm
United kingdom/irlande: very famous order of saint patrick
Motto "QUID SEPARABIT", created 1783.
105 X 105 mm
United kingdom/order of bath
Order created on 18 may 1725 by king Georges Ist.
3 crowns are symbols of union of crowns of England, CScottland and France(!) then Ireland replaced France.
Order of Saint Georges, circa 1750, Russia
Type of letters is different of 19 th century.
12 cm diam
Russia Saint Vladimir decoration, before 1800
Size in biggest dimension: 10 cm.
Second picture is what we used to make our copy
Russie Saint Georges decoration, before 1800
Second picture is from an original one.
Size in biggest dimension 10 cm.
Russia: decoration of Saint Andre of Russia
2 heads eagle surrounded by a motto in russian
Russia: Saint Andre de Russie and Order of Gaiter
Attributed to tsar only, who was a relative of english royal family.
Russia: military order of Saint Alexander Nevski
Created on 21th may 1725 by Catherine Ist. Attributed to most important personnes of the state Suppressed in 1917.
In1942Soviet union created the sovietic order of Alexandre nevski
Saint empire romain germanique: order of saint joachim
Order of Saint-Joachim (Equestrian, Secular and Chapterial Order of Saint Joachim) is a chivalry order created in 1755 by nobles and soldiers of Saint-Empire romain germanique under the name of" The Knights of the Order of Jonathan, Defenders of the Honour of Divine Providence".
Horatio Nelson was his most famous member.
Hesse Cassel: Order of golden lion:
Decoration from one of the numerous states existing before German unification.
10 cm diameter.
Hesse: decoration of order of Louis
Order of Crown of Saxe, 1807, Grand Croix
95 mm diameter.
This order disappeared in 1918
Saxe: military order of Saint Henri of Saxe
Created 7th octobre 1739 by the elector of Saxe.
Sicile: plaque de grand croix de l'ordre des 2 siciles, NEW TYPE
5 branches star with the motto in the center: "PRO RENOVATA PATRIA" . Silver embroideries 10 X 10 cm.
We improved the center, which is now embroidered instead of being maid with a piece of golden fabrics.
Military decoration of the order of saint janvier, 2 sicilias
Instituted on 3rd july 1738 byCharles VIII of Bourbon, king of Napoli and Sicilia
Inscription: "IN SANGUINE FOEDUS". Gold and silver embroideries. 87 mm
Ordre royal des 2 Siciles- 23 février 1808 - Chevalier
Order created by Joseph Napoléon, King of Napoli, and then used by Murat, when he became king of Napoli.
Only 2 for sale!
Height, crown included: mm139,00 €
Out of stock
Sweden: seraphins of sweden
10 cm, silver.
Precedent price 79 €
Wurtemberg: golden eagle of wurtemberg,
Marechal Lannes had this decoration
Sweden: order of sword
Created on 23 th february 1748
10,5 X 10,5 cm
Decoration: grand croix de l'ordre du merite militaire du wurtemberg
1st type, silver and gold, period of Frédéric 1st(1806/1818).
Copied on a decoration sold by De Maigret on 23/11/2012, expert B Croissy.
Lefebvre Desnouettes(1773/1822) had this decoration, see painting by Wengandt in 1807 (musée de l'armée, Paris).
Order of crescent, 22 x 14 cm, for cloak
Instaured by sultan Sélim III in 1801, this distinction was only attributed to foreigners. Admiral Nelson received after his victory of d'Aboukir (1st august 1798).
Order of crescent, 12 x 8 cm
Instaured by sultan Sélim III in 1801, this distinction was only attributed to foreigners. Admiral Nelson received after his victory of d'Aboukir (1st august 1798).
Creation of decorations
We can realise any type of embroidered decorations.
You just have to send us a drawing or a picture with dimensions and requested colours.
Decoration on picture cost 85 € for only one supplied, lower prices are possible for series.
You can compare drawing supplied by our customer and the final production.For price quote, contact us
No information on delivery time
Décoration "suprême conseil grand collège du rite écossais ancien accepté"
12 x 12 cm
Highest masonic decoration
Baton prévôtal
From an original from Comte de Choiseul-Stainville (1727- 1789), maréchal de France on 13 th june 1783.